foodculture days est une plateforme de partage de connaissances basée à Vevey, Suisse.
Board Game
Food Sovereignty
Food Resistance
Food Activism
Participatory Art
Social Critique
Visual Art
Food Industry

Hunger Tales

Bakudapan Food Study Group (ID)

The food industry is extractive and exploitative not only towards laborers but also the Earth. Monocultures and the control of global food production by only a few corporations and actors are currently fragilizing our food system, affecting primarily poor and vulnerable populations and endangering traditional and communal forms of subsistence. 

With this board game, Bakudapan invites the foodculture days audience to imagine ways to deal with the food crisis situation and to reflect on ecological issues in our daily environment critically. How do the impact of the ecological crisis and a fragile food system impact us directly and indirectly and what can we do about it?

Bakudapan is an Indonesian study group that discusses ideas on food and everything it relates to. They believe that food is not restricted to the activity of cooking nor destined to fill the stomach, but that it can be an instrument that allows approaching broader issues, such as politics, society, gender, economy, philosophy, art, and culture. 

In their projects, they do cross reference and research on food, overlapping art and ethnography, theory and practice. Bakudapan is interested in exploring and experimenting with methods and forms, from art (performance, artistic setting, exhibition, etc) to daily life practices (cooking, gardening, reading, etc). 

Bakudapan’s work has been presented at the Istanbul Design Biennale (2018), the Singapore Biennale (2019), and the Asian Art Biennale in Taipei (2021), among others.
